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1. Personalized Domain Store

Your store gets its own Web Address (URL), making it easy for customers to find you online. It's like having your own shop name on the internet!

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2. No Hassle Product Listing

Listing your products is Super Easy with our help. Just give us the details, Link, photo and we'll do all listing & store setup. No stress, no fuss!

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3. Orders on your WhatsApp

Receive orders directly on your WhatsApp without any extra charges. It's simple and convenient, just like chatting with your customers!

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How can I sell online on WhatsApp?

Gostreet simplifies online selling on WhatsApp with its user-friendly dashboard. List your products on your personalized URL storefront provided by Gostreet Digital Store. Customers can easily order from your store by clicking on the WhatsApp icon or Chat Now button on the product page. Plus, there are no commissions or charges, Free Account for non-GST sellers.  Register Here
NOTE: This price is only for non-GST sellers

How can I sell online on Instagram and Facebook?

Gostreet streamlines online selling on Instagram and Facebook with its user friendly dashboard. List your products on your own personalized URL storefront provided by Gostreet Digital Store. Customers can effortlessly place orders by clicking the instagram, facebook icons on your store. Plus, there are no commissions or charges, Free Account. Register Here
NOTE: This price is only for non-GST sellers

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